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Join us.

We ask you to read this first.

This slide summarizes what Jitera aims for, the values and culture and characteristics of the business. Please have a look before applying.

Our Mission

Build the Next Era of Software Development.

We are innovators.

We are a startup having a lot of try and error and growing. Professional talents who are passionate to grow our business are on our team and we are trying to make and practice the next era.

Team photo

We are a young & dynamic start-up company.

Together we’re building a next-generation development platform that builds complex web and mobile applications to accelerate software engineer's work. The source of our strength is that we have taken on several projects from clients and repeated dozens of in-house trial-and-error processes.

If you're ready to have innovative work and eager to take small steps and make big leaps into the future, we would be delighted to meet you.

We are a remote-oriented company.

Let's celebrate remote working. Our company is virtual organization. We work remotely and have flexible working hours. It makes no difference what timezone you are in.

We offer both part-time & full- time options during the Probation Period, so you don't need to quit your current job and work with us when you serve your notice period.

Team Members

Our Stories


Love & Care
Flexible Work Schedule
Work in our own timezone and schedule. Only required to attend the regular meetings on time.
Permanent Remotely Working
Stay safe at home, still work and enhance your expertise every day with Jitera.
Online/ Training Courses
Continue to grow and develop. Jitera will be delighted to support our members in broadening everyone's knowledge.
Annual Leaves/ PTO
Eligible for a month of paid annual leaves to enjoy the local holidays, festivities and vacations.
Premium Healthcare Insurance
Keep a healthy and optimistic attitude. Let us also care about your health and your verdure.
Income tax and equipments
Assist you as much as we can, even we are living in different countries so that you can work with comfort and efficiency.
Occasion Bonuses Birthday Gift
We provide cash, gift & voucher for occasion.
Employee Stock Option Plan
We want to share our destiny with you by providing stock.
We provide Laptop and other devices to support your work.